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22/07/2024 - Carol seller from the UK

Dear Gill,

It was an absolute joy and pleasure to work with you on the sale of my apartment at Aphrodite.

MANY MANY THANKS for all you did to help this to come to a successful conclusion.

Please pass on my sincere thanks to Rene too.

I will of course continue to encourage my friends to use your services….. and hope to see you again sometime.


In the meantime, take care of yourself and be happy.

A million thanks again and all best wishes

Warmest regards

Carol x


12/06/2024 - Mark Smedley seller from the UK


Testimonial For Gill Radcliffe at Landmark


We had a very large villa that had become difficult to sell due to the fairly cautious market in the early part of 2024.

Gill Radcliffe however, never became despondent and brought potential buyers to our property stretching their budgets a little further to meet our sales price requirements.

Gill finally found us a lovely family who really liked the property and were keen on purchasing quickly. Gill was superb in balancing the needs of both ourselves and the purchasers both of whom were Gills clients, negotiating brilliantly to ensure both parties were kept happy.

As the purchasers wanted to move quickly using the local Noter methodology, the sale progressed with rapid speed concluding within 3 weeks from the first viewing.

Gill guided us though the ‘normal’ processes intervening as appropriate to safeguard our interest throughout the entire sales process.

Landmark’s approach is normally of a more methodical, contract driven approach protecting both Purchaser and Vendor safety – I must admit a more preferred methodology for foreigners on this Island, and is a reassuring safety net.

Gill kept all parties on the same page and at the same speed, and out of other agents which we had used, was the only one that managed to sell it. 

If you want professional agents that will work extremely hard to sell your property and keep you informed every step of the way, head straight to Landmark Estate Agency and ask for Gill Radcliffe, you won’t be disappointed.



Mark Smedley.


21/11/2023 - Das and Suzi Iyadurai

Vendors of a Lapis apartment in Esentepe

Thanks to Slava

We sold our property in Esentepe recently. Slava dealt with the sale. He was very helpful, friendly, professional and efficient. The property sold in 2 weeks thanks to him. He was even kind enough to keep some of our pictures which wouldn't fit in the suitcase for us to pick up later. A brilliant service all round. Thanks very much Slava and Landmark.

Kind regards

Das and Suzi Iyadurai


20/08/23 - Anke Bals from Germany 

Hallo Sandra, 

Ich möchte mich bei dir bedanken. Das war absoluter Hochleistungssport was wir mit der Wohnung erlebt haben. Danke für deine Unterstützung, die Teamarbeit und die Stabilität in den Höhen und Tiefen. Der Dank geht natürlich auch an dein ganzes Team sowie an deinen Mann.

Freue mich riesig, wenn wir uns persönlich begegnen und hoffe, dass wir in Kontakt bleiben.

Es war jedenfalls eine Bereicherung, dich kennen lernen zu dürfen.

Ganz liebe Grüße an dich.



09/08/23 - David Allardyce from the UK


Thank you so much for your lovely message.

And a very big thank you to you and all your very professional staff in assisting us over the years in the purchase and sales of various properties.

One word says it all : !! Exemplary !!

You are a credit to your profession.

Kindest regards



07/03/23 - Seller Henning Neuroth from Germany   


Dear Mrs. Kilic,

I personally want to thank you for your Great and supportive work during the sale of our house in Lapta.

During all the time you‘ve been a big help with all the things, with Lawers, buyers and and and.

Without your very profesional work we would have spend more time and Money for sure.

I wish you manymore of such succesfull business. You and your Company deserve it !!


14/11/2022 - Purchaser Bernd & Christine from Germany


Sehr geehrte Frau Sandra Kilic von Landmark Estate,

durch ein Missverständnis haben wir uns leider nicht kennengelernt.
Danach waren wir bei verschiedenen Maklern, von denen die meisten Ihre Angebote
schön redeten, wir spürten deutlich, es ging denen ausschließlich um unseren
schnellen Kauf und deren höchsten Gewinn…

Mit René Banholzer von Ihrer Landmark Estate haben wir einen sehr angenehm
agierenden Makler kennengelernt, der weder Druck noch Eile ausübte, gut zuhörte
und wirklich interessante Angebote machte, die zu uns passten.

Auch spürte er seinerseits wohl unsere allgemeine Neugier für die dann neue Heimat,
erklärte uns von sich aus Wesentliches über die Wirtschaft, Bildung, das Gesundheitswesen…
Nordzyperns; wies auf gute Obst- und Gemüsemärkte hin und
zeigte nicht weit von einer Immobilie entfernt, an einer Stelle mit gutem Überblick
die Bucht des Schildkröten-Strandes… Das geht über das normale Maß eines Maklers
hinaus, Herr Banholzer machte damit aber die Gegend wertvoller für uns und
festigte so das aufkommende Vertrauen. Hinzu kam seine lebhafte Art, dass nie
lange Weile bei uns aufkam.

Bei einer Immobilie im Wiederverkauf kam ein junger Mann als Vertreter des Objektes
hinzu, der einen gleich duzen wollte, den ich als Beschönigungsredner bezeichnete,
weil er ständig von Traumhaus mit Traumaussicht plapperte, was einfach
nicht der Realität entsprach, und gewissermaßen unsere Urteilsfähigkeit und Intelligenz
beleidigte… Ich sagte dem Mann, er könne von René Banholzer viel lernen.

Dies schreibe ich Ihnen, weil wir uns freuen, dass Sie mir Herrn Banholzer einen
professionell agierenden Mitarbeiter haben, der sich gut auf die Kunden und deren
spezielle Wünsche einstellen kann. Jedenfalls haben wir das so erlebt!

Und deshalb werden wir uns, nachdem wir im nächsten Jahr in Deutschland unsere
Villen verkauft haben und dann mit genügend Geld mehrere Immobilien (Villa,
Wohnung in einer größeren Anlage und zwei Mietwohnungen in Strandnähe als
Anlage-Objekte erwerben, uns vertrauensvoll an René Banholzer Ihrer Landmark-
Agentur wenden, um die Käufe abzuwickeln.
Dann werden wir auch Sie kennenlernen.


Bernd Hahlweg &
Dr. Christine Lombard


18/10/2022 - Bernhard & Heidi Hannemann from Germany 

In October 2022 we were looking for a small property via Landmark and found it directly. René showed us exactly the property during his viewing tour that fully met our needs. After the purchase, the team was totally helpful and supported us with all important questions. We handled all the formalities with Viola, such as registering with the Muhtar, opening an bank account, etc. Even months later, we can contact Viola at Landmark at any time if we have any questions. They are just very professional and always make us feel good. We can only warmly recommend Landmark Immobilien.

Bernhard and Heidi


14/08/2022 - Jürgen Wermke from Germany

Bewertungstitel: Erstklassige Betreuung und Service nach dem Kauf bei Landmark Estates

Von der ersten Kontaktaufnahme bis hin zur Unterzeichnung der Immobilienunterlagen - meine Erfahrung mit Sandra Kilic und ihrem Team bei Landmark Estates war durchweg erstklassig. Ich kann sie ohne Bedenken weiterempfehlen.

Sandra versteht es, professionellen Service auf höchstem Niveau zu bieten, und legt besonderen Wert darauf, dass wir als Kunden immer im Mittelpunkt stehen. Sie war jederzeit erreichbar und ging auf unsere Bedürfnisse ein, was den gesamten Prozess sehr angenehm gestaltet hat.

Die Betreuung durch Landmark Estates ist definitiv nicht nur auf den Kaufprozess beschränkt. Im Gegensatz zu anderen Immobilienagenturen, die nach Abschluss des Kaufvertrags oft abtauchen, begann bei Sandra und ihrem Team der echte Service erst danach. Alles, was wir benötigten - vom Flughafentransfer über Leihautos bis hin zur Begleitung zu Anwälten und Ämtern - wurde für uns organisiert. Sie bieten ein Rundum-sorglos-Paket, das unsere Erwartungen weit übertroffen hat.

Was uns besonders beeindruckt hat, ist die Professionalität von Sandra und ihrem Team. Es war deutlich zu spüren, dass wir mit echten Experten zusammenarbeiten. Sie sorgten dafür, dass alle Genehmigungen vorhanden waren und wir uns rechtlich sicher fühlen konnten.

Die Wahl einer Immobilie auf Nordzypern war für uns eine große Entscheidung, aber dank Sandra und ihrem Team bei Landmark Estates haben wir uns jederzeit gut aufgehoben gefühlt. Die außergewöhnliche Betreuung, die Aufmerksamkeit für jedes Detail und der umfassende Kundenservice nach dem Kauf haben uns überzeugt.

Ich kann Sandra Kilic und Landmark Estates wärmstens empfehlen, wenn Sie auf der Suche nach Immobilien auf Nordzypern sind. Mit ihrer Unterstützung wird der Immobilienkauf nicht nur zu einer reibungslosen Erfahrung, sondern auch zu einem wahren Vergnügen.

Vielen Dank, Sandra und Landmark Estates, für Ihr Engagement und Ihre herausragende Unterstützung!


25/03/2021 - Purchaser Michael Honeybone from the UK


Sent 24/03/2021

I contacted Landmark Estates, amongst others in late 2019 in preparation for my planned visit to Northern Cyprus in early April 2020 to find my retirement home. The Landmark Estates team were by far the most proactive of them all and after describing what I was looking for and the area I was looking at, they provided me with numerous options for my visit.

As we are all aware Covid 19 scuppered my plans to visit in April 2020 however, Landmark estates kept in contact with me during this time, providing me with further options and keeping me up to date with entry requirements to Northern Cyprus. After a number of failed attempts to enter the country due to constantly changing entry requirements; working closely with the Landmark team, I managed to get into the Country in October 2020 and over the next two week had found the property I was looking for. They put me in touch with an excellent legal company and In March 2021 I exchanged contracts.

What can I say about Landmark Estates? Whilst they are a 100% professional organisation dedicated to helping you find your dream home, they also treat you like family and go that extra mile in everything that they do. If it was not for them I would still be waiting to get to Northern Cyprus.

Due to current restrictions I am still unable to get to my new home, but I now have Landmark Estates Property Management looking after my home for me until I can get out to Northern Cyprus. I have nothing but praise and a big thank you to the entire team at Landmark Estates for making my journey as smooth as could be possible considering the circumstance we all find ourselves in right now.


Michael Honeybone




Seller - Rob and Cheryl Allen from the UK


01/03/2019 - Dr Robert Cruz from Canada 

I am writing this Letter of Appreciation for your assistance in helping me find a new home in North Cyprus.   I started looking for a new home in early 2018.    Over the year, I met with several real estate agents from various local agencies, but could not find anything that met my specific needs.   Finally, in December 2018, after nearly one year of looking, I met Pelin Sengonul and other staff with Landmark Estate Agency.    I explained in detail the type of property that I wanted.  They were efficient and did not waste my time showing me property that did not match my needs.    Within three days I found the ideal house and 10 days later the property was mine.     After the purchase, Pelin and the Landmark staff continued to maintain contact to answer any questions.   I highly recommend Landmark Estate Agency to anyone interested in finding “the right property.”


Robert Cruz 


04/01/2019 Mr & Mrs Winkelmann from Germany

Liebe Frau Sandra!

Mein Objekt in Alsancak ist mit Ihrer Hilfe jetzt verkauft worden, und ich danke Ihnen dafür . Ich habe mich von Ihnen  gut betreut gefühlt, denn Sie haben mich immer zeitnah informiert und Missverständnisse schnell beseitigt. Ihre Zusammemarbeit mit dem Notar   Christopher Mahler hat mich bestärkt, und ich fühle mich mit Ihnen Beiden verbunden.


Mit großem Dank grüßt Sie Ihre Karin Winkelmann-Zarske 


Seller - Chister Larsson/Christopher Larsson - From Sweden

I just want to say a few words regarding when we sold our apartment in Northern Cyprus December 2018.

From the beginning we got very friendly and professional help from the staff of Landmark. 

I have spoken to several people, including Pelin and Viktor and I must say that more professional, helpful, concerned people is very rare to find!

I have felt very confident during the whole sale process, knowing that they have done what they could in order to give us best possible market price.

One thing is for sure, when I will buy my next apartment Landmark is the real estate agency i will contact again!I wish the whole office a healthy and successful 2019 from the bottom of my heart!



Purchaser - Celal & Heike Degirmenci - From Germany

Mein Mann und ich waren das erste Mal im Jahre 2017 auf Zypern Urlaub machen. Wir haben uns sofort in die Gegend von Girne verliebt und schnell stand fest, dass wir uns hier eine Ferienwohnung anschaffen möchten.

Die Suche dauerte ein knappes Jahr. Wir haben in diesem Jahr mehrere Immobilienmakler kontaktiert und uns gemeinsam verschiedene Wohnungen besichtigt. Trotz unserer ausführlichen Angaben und Wünsche haben uns Die Immobilienmakler leider immer wieder unpassende Objekte gezeigt, was uns sehr enttäuscht hat. Als Urlauber ist unsere Zeit knapp und begrenzt für Wohnungsbesichtigungen. Eine gute zypriotische Freundin empfahl uns die Immobilienfirma Landmark estate agency. Wir nahmen Kontakt auf. Der erste Kontakt war sehr freundlich und wir fühlten uns sehr gut aufgehoben. Das erste Mal, dass ein Immobilienmakler tatsächlich auf unsere Wünsche einging und für uns passende Objekte fand! Sandra Kilic, die Inhaberin von Landmark estate agency, wie auch ihre freundliche Mitarbeiterin, Pelin Sengönül, haben sich sehr bemüht und waren sehr engagiert, uns im Laufe der Zeit verschiedene Objekte in unserer Preisklasse und Wunschvorstellung heraus zu suchen, die wir dann gemeinsam besichtigten.  Die Arbeitsweise der Landmark estate agency entspricht im Ganzen europäischen Standard. Alle Schritte werden bis ins kleinste Detail verständlich erklärt und besprochen. Die Mitarbeiter sprechen verschiedene Sprachen und dadurch klappt die Verständigung bestens. Wir hatten viele Fragen und diese wurden uns mit viel Geduld und Freundlichkeit beantwortet. Im September 2018 haben wir dann unsere Wohnung durch Landmark estate agency gefunden und im November 2018 gekauft.

Die Kaufabwicklung lief reibungslos und Landmark estate agency stand uns auch in dieser Zeit beratend und mit viel Geduld zur Seite. Wir können Landmark estate agency mit sehr gutem Gewissen weiterempfehlen und wünschen ihnen für die Zukunft weiterhin alles Gute und viel Erfolg!

Vielen Dank für Alles!

Celalettin und Heike Degirmenci


Celal & Heike Degirmenci


Purchaser - Florian - from Germany

Sent: Tuesday, 18 December 2018 21:13
To: Landmark Estate

The whole process went very smooth. The agent understood my investment needs and presented relevant options, so I was able to make the right decision. Thanks a lot for the professional service.


Purchaser - Anne and tor Pretorius - from Sweden

Sent: 21 December 2018 10:36

We contacted landmark estate to help us find a apartment, and it was important for us that we could stay all winter. Pelin Sengonul showed us several, and she understood what we really wanted. That was important to us.

We had very good service and was taken good care of. We appreciate that a lot .

Regards Anne and tor pretorius.


Seller - Diane Stebbins - from USA

Sent: Thursday, 29 November 2018 22:47 

Victor at Landmark was excellent. I highly recommend him for your property and to other sellers. After taking great photos he let me select the ones I liked and also add to the listing description. He was always available to quickly respond to questions and listing updates etc. When he received an offer he gave me good advice and consultation -at full price. During the sale closing process he was always there on top of things. Upon completion he called me to congratulate. And his attorney referral was excellent, Chris Maher at Naomi Mehmet.

I had an open listing with both Landmark and Nicola at Busy Bees. In retrospect I highly encourage you to referral any other condo sales to Landmark and Victor 533-848-1452. 

I wish you all the best. When I am in Cyprus in the future I will be sure to give you a call.

It has always been a pleasure doing Sea Terra business with you. Your kindness and understanding was much appreciated.

Thanks and regards,

Diana Stebbins

from every aspest


Purchaser - Rafi Elhani from Israil

Mrs. Sandra Kilic

Landmark, Realestate Agency



Dear Sandra,

Allow us to thank you so much for your assistance to find for us the best solution.

With your talent to understand what the customer needs, you offer us to meet the right man with whom we will succeed to get the optimum which will fits both sides.

As we told you before, our luck was that we met, because of you, we know that we got the best success.

We are so happy, for all you have done for us, we will advise, of course, our friends to work with you because you are so professional, reliable and honest, and you have all the qualifications to bring the best results.

We would like to thank you again and again, Sandra and the stuff in Landmark, and we are sure that all your clients will be very satisfied from your services.

Best regards,    

Mickey and Rafi Elhani



 Seller – Steve Bird from the UK

From: steve bird 
Sent: 13 Ağustos 2016 Cumartesi 11:43
To: info@landmark-estate.com

Dear all at Landmarks,
I would like to thank you all especially Sandra for your professional and kind service of your estate agents.
I feel you helped me through a minefield of Turkish law while selling my villa  and feel anyone from any country would benefit from your multi languages.
I would give five stars and recommend you're agency.
Thank you all xxx


Purchaser - Borje Fransson from Sweden

From: Börje Fransson 
Sent: Wednesday, June 1, 2016 4:34 PM
To: Sales
Subject: SV: testimonial

Hello Edina a Testimonial  from Sweden,

Börje & Petra Fransson Sweden

We are very pleased that we choosed Landmark when we decided to buy a property in Lapta at Northern Cyprus. We are satisfied with the contacts ( specially Edina that are Swedish talking)they have helped us with in a new country. It is lawyer, hospital, taxi, car rental, bank-contact, furniture-seller, property-owner, electricity yes all you ask for, they do the very best to help.

Most important for us , we suppose were not present, was the management lead by manager Sandra when we got into a “discussion” about promised price but now thanks to Landmark we  have an apartment on a sunny island we love very much so far.

We hope the region will have a peaceful future as almost every Turkish-cypriot and others on this part of  Cyprus seems to be very nice people. Coming down here makes you feel calm and relaxed after a very short time. SKÅL!

Börje Fransson




Seller - Roger Scrimshaw from the UK

14th July 2016

To whom it may concern - Landmark Estate Agency

I feel it appropriate to express my sincere thanks for the quite excellent service provided by ‘Landmark’ during the protracted and often difficult sale of our property.  Sandra Kilic the Director and all her support staff have been a delight to work with, and, should be congratulated.

Keep up the good work, and very well done.

Yours Sincerely

Roger Scrimshaw Wright


19 March 2015 - Rosy Greenwood / UK

I would be delighted to. You have all been so helpful and friendly throughout the process of looking at properties and buying the one we chose.You found lots of places for us to view and were patient when we looked at them all. You were all very helpful when showing us places where we could buy furniture and household goods for reasonable prices. You are always welcoming when we drop into see you to ask more questions about anything and everything. We enjoy dropping in to your office for a chat and a cuppa, and look forward to doing it when we visit Cyprus this time.



E. Bauer / Germany

Im Mai letzten Jahres haben wir ein Haus in Lapta über die Landmark Estate Agency gekauft. Man muss auf den Titel des Grundstücks achten, das ist wichtig. Bei uns wurde er ebenfalls durch einen Rechtanwalt geprüft. Insbesondere, weil uns die Geschäftsführerin Sandra Kilic(deutschsprachig) in allen Belangen (Kontakte, Vertragsgestaltung, Geldtransfers, Rechtsbeistand, etc.) jederzeit hilfsbereit unterstützte, lief die gesamte Abwicklung reibungslos. Dieser Einsatz geht sicherlich weit über das Maß "normaler" Immobilienmakler hinaus und wir können die dortige Betreuung und den Service nur als mehr als empfehlenswert bezeichnen. Besonders, wenn man die vielen Horrorgeschichten über Immobilienkäufe in Nordzypern hört/liest, können wir uns bei Sandra und auch der ganzen "Crew von Landmark" nur herzlich bedanken. Die Landmark Estate Agency ist übrigens mittlerweile von Girne nach Karakum umgezogen. Freuen uns auf einen Besuch. Wir sind am 08. Juni wieder eine Woche vor Ort.



ZEIN MOHAMA / Tartous Safita / Syria


I am from Syria and I am a Solicitor. My international Training in administration was taken in England. In Syria my partners and I own a large Company which deals with imports and exports and investing in different countries for various projects. I have visited North Cyprus on several occasions with a view to Investment purposes for my Company.

I have now been in North Cyprus for 5 months. I had been to various Estate Agents including Landmark Estates. Landmark have worked with me and my Company since my first arrival. They have assisted with advice and showed me different locations and available land for sale that would benefit my project.

From the start Landmark have explained about all the different land titles, what procedures needed to be taken to purchase the land and much more general Information. They have pointed me in the right direction for all legal Information. The whole process from start to finish has been dealt with professionally and honesty.

From my experience Landmark Estates and all employees have been very helpful and they are very reliable and trustworthy. They made me feel more than welcome in a foreign country. They have always gone that extra mile to help me and my Company.

I would like to thank all of the staff at Landmark Estates they have been exceptional from start to finish. I hope that we can continue to work together in the future if necessary. I would certainly recommend them on.


Ron & Dot Brown / UK

We would like to say many, many thanks to you, Sharron and Oksana for all the help and support you gave us during the recent sale of our bungalow. Without your perseverance and tenacity, it wouldn't have happened.
In such a climate of negativity as there is here regarding property matters, at the moment, it is so refreshing to meet someone who gives out such positive 'vibes' even when everything seemed to be against us. Your performance in the District Office was worthy of an Oscar and, we got what we wanted. You certainly earned your commission.
Anyone thinking of buying or selling property could do no better than to consult you for they would not be disappointed. We certainly weren't and you have made a lasting impression on us.
Best wishes and kind regards


Guilian and Alan, Ozankoy / UK

We have recently purchased a pre 74 Turkish Title house in Ozankoy.
Before leaving the Uk we had registered with quite a few local estate agents. Most just kept e.mailing properties, a lot of which did not meet our criterea and with very little communication.
The one Estate agent which stood out was Landmark. There was no pressure selling and Sandra gave us plenty of information with regard to purchasing a house in Northern Cyprus. Both the previous owner and Sandra went out of their way to obtain documents which confirmed that the house was definitely pre 74 Turkish Title.
Sharron and Aksana who also work for Landmark were very friendly and helpful and we would certainly recommend Landmark to anyone thinking of purchasing a home in the area.


04/03/2015 - Nina & Olga / Kazakhstan

My name is Nina, I am retired, I live with my husband and son in Almaty (Kazakhstan), this is our homeland. My son lives separately. About 4 years ago it occurred to my mind to bring something different to our life, and our daughter Olga who lives in Moscow (husband and 2 children) started worrying that at this age we are so far away from her and she suggested moving closer to her. To move and change our fruit – watermelon – vegetable life with short winter to a grey and cold and long winter!?  Even the thought of it provoked boredom and protest inside of us. I started looking at different options to move to in the internet and suddenly I was faced with property in Northern Cyprus, I don’t remember which agency, doesn’t matter now.  I got interested in the location on the map and deepened  into details. In the process I found a lot of familiarity to our region in terms of climate – a lot of sun, fruit, vegetables, mountains and the main – friendly people. The incontestable advantage is sea and all nice emotions as dawns, sunset, caressing breeze, clean water (these all I felt in real life here after).

So we did not rely on any inspection trips from some agencies, we chose some rental villas in three different regions for the family with 5 people (represents of 3 generations)  for the whole June 2012 and went to see the country. Further very short. The first place was Karaman, a villa in the mountains not far from English village and even with London red phonebox in the centre, the nature is beautiful with greens, flowers and below you can see breathtaking panoramic sea view, above only mountains, this beauty is far from civilization and transport roads. Then we moved to a next villa located on the border of Lapta and Alsancak (between mountains and sea) shops, cafes, and the road is within walking distance. The third villa was in Karsiyaka in 7 minutes walking to the sea and to the road. From first days Sergei big man with big soul with many talents (I don’t name him, someone can take it as an advertisement) lives on the island with the family. We acquainted with him through the internet in the homeland before the trip. He showed us a lot of interesting, holy, historical, geographical places till the end of Karpaz and accompanied it with lyrical performances, just as the theatre of one actor! We told him about our plans and he said he can acquaint us with Sandra who owns Landmark, which is very trustworthy agency. During one of our excursion our meeting with Landmark happened just spontaneously. Sandra and other staff in the office were very friendly, open and we could perceive that they wanted to help us sincerely. Despite our uncertain plans of whether we want to buy in Northern Cyprus or not, Landmark showed us properties which were in our price range and which contained all the details which we wanted as location. That trip helped us a lot further when we started looking on the web site of landmark. By the way I want to notice the quality of the web site, it is very comfortable to use the site and it contains full information. In my opinion of an ordinary user I would say it is THE BEST web site among all others.

Our trip came to an end, we went away with the desire to come. But life circumstances did not let us come back soon, but we had a chance to prepare well for this serious step. We were keeping in touch with Landmark by email, if we had any questions, we had the answers straight away from the manager Nazgul Alymbaeva who works with Russian speaking and other customers. I repeat that with the staff of Landmark we have mutual sympathy, we congratulate each to her on holidays, and know some family details of each other. I made a list of 30 properties and wrote all the pros and cons from our point of views, and sent them by email to landmark beforehand. We (me, daughter, and granddaughter) arrived at the island on 11 January 2014 late in the evening, in the morning Nazgul picked us up from the hotel. The staff of the agency made effective route for every day according to our preferences, and they also suggested us some properties which were not on the web site, some of the properties which we chose were already sold, some of the properties were not advised by landmark because they were far or by other reasons, and from our side we trusted them and thankful.  Also on some trips we were accompanied by very nice employee Sharron. On the second day we came to Karsiyaka, we get out of the car and my daughter exclaimed: Mom, look, this is the third villa where we lived!” I could not orient straight away, my astonishment was endless, we were standing on a dead end road, and on the left side behind fence there was a villa where we spent one third of our trip in June 2012. We sometimes used to walk outside of our villa and were admiring well maintained villas on that dead end road. One of them especially attracted our attention with green fence which were cut neatly, I put this villa in my list and did not even suspect of such coincidence. We approached a villa from the other road not from the road which we used to use, that’s why I did not recognize a place straight away. This is just miracle, mysticism, true that nothing in this life happens accidentally! The owner met us he was very polite, glamorous, I felt that we have the same taste, the same preferences in the colour, the quality, the details and I felt like I wanted to live there! The same felt my daughter and granddaughter. Sharron told us some details about villas and neighbours.  Finally we made our decision, we decide on this beautiful villa, and we stopped our search. Through the agency we stopped on one offer and saw him again to discuss all the details of the deal. We left the power of attorney, having discussed all the details with the solicitor, we came back to homeland having left all the suitcases which we brought for the house. On the 9th day of our trip we felt decency, care and moral support from Sandra, Nazgul, Sharron.

I almost forgot to mention that during our property viewings we stopped in different shops like interior, furniture, household for the information and to learn the prices, Nazgul gave us some useful advises. On the last day Nazgul invited us to a nice restaurant near the sea, where we witnessed the proposal of a young man to a happy lady. We hurried to take a picture of them. All the documents of sale we received by email and we could amend them, final version was signed by solicitor and seller and on the basis of it we sent the payment. At the moment we make ourselves at home and come to the island periodically. And we always get support from Sandra, Nazgul, neighbours and new local friends, we are very thankful to everyone!

I was going to write short but I cannot help writing small details in order to feel the people who decided to connect their lives with Northern Cyprus. If I could do this, I am happy and wish everyone kindness, and let what you plan happen with the help of landmark, who became for us more than acquaintance.



December 16, 2014 - Bill Mason / UK

Landmark is surely the Landmark for quality in an Estate Agent.
Thorough, efficient, cost effective , reliable and most important of all, totally trust worthy.
Sandra and her Office Staff were always welcoming and eager to bring us right up to date regarding the Sale of our Villa.
The day of completion started at 10am. Freddie took charge. By 12noon it was all completed without a hitch and money in the Bank.
Thank you Landmark.



August 05, 2014 - Mickey and Rafi Elhani / Israel

Dear Sandra,
Allow us to thank you so much for your assistance to find for us the best solution.
With your talent to understand what the customer needs, you offer us to meet the right man with whom we will succeed to get the optimum which will fits both sides.
As we told you before, our luck was that we met, because of you, we know that we got the best success.
We are so happy, for all you have done for us, we will advise, of course, our friends to work with you because you are so professional, reliable and honest, and you have all the qualifications to bring the best results.
We would like to thank you again and again, Sandra and the stuff in Landmark, and we are sure that all your clients will be very satisfied from your services.
Best regards,  



July 2014 - Andre Kleikov/ RU

Почему Лэндмарк? Все просто. Их нам посоветовали наши друзья. А что может быть лучше совета довольных клиентов. Поэтому мы пришли в Лэндмарк, и  ни разу не пожалели о своем выборе. Теперь, оглядываясь назад, я могу сказать почему.

1. Порядочность главный козырь Лэндмарк. Полная и достоверная информация о предлагаемой недвижимости их стиль работы. Уверяю, это встречается на Северном Кипре не часто. Они ни чего не навязывают, а только дают информацию о своих объектах, акцентируя внимание на важных моментах.

2. Огромный выбор объектов недвижимости. Нет необходимости бегать по всему острову выбирая объекты у разных агентств. В Лэндмарк если не все, то наверное почти все.

3. Качество предлагаемой недвижимости. Почти все объекты которые мы смотрели, были без изъянов. Оставалось лишь выбрать то, что по душе.  Если попадался дом с каким-нибудь недостатком, то Лэндмарк честно предупреждал и более того, говорил что сделать чтобы недостаток устранить. Кроме того, все свои объекты Лэндмарк проверяют на предмет юридической чистоты, что очень важно, на Северном Кипре.

4. Отдельно хочется выделить следующий момент. Любой работник Лэндмарк всегда и по любому вопросу придет вам на помощь, даже после того как вы закончили покупку недвижимости. Это их отличительная черта. Поработав с ними, вы становитесь добрыми друзьями, и они всегда готовы помочь и подсказать, как правильно поступить в той или иной ситуации, даже не связанной с недвижимостью.

5. Лэндмарк работает с надежными партнерами. Застройщики, продавцы недвижимости, адвокаты, переводчики и т.д. – во всех этих людях Лэндмарк уверен, а если не уверен то прямо говорит об этом. Так что, выбирая например виллу, можно смело расслабится, раз ее продает Лэндмарк, значит,  тут не обманут.

6. Ну и конечно квалификация Лэндмарк. Опыт работы делает свое дело.  Часто можно встретить агента впадающего в ступор на многие вопросы, в Лэндмарк этого нет. Они всегда знают об объекте все досконально, а если не знают то это вопрос одного телефонного звонка тому кто знает.

В общем, получилось много, но на самом деле хочется сказать еще больше, потому что Лэндмарк и правда лучшее агентство недвижимости на Северном Кипре, по крайней мере, лично я лучше не нашел. Поэтому хочется сказать всем им ОГРОМНОЕ СПАСИБО самое главное за уверенность в том, что твой выбор – это твой выбор, а не навязанное кем-то решение.



Mai 2014 - Olga Lutsenko/ RU

Выбор недвижимости за рубежом был очень не легким, много стран, разные оценки и множество мнений. Выбрать страну, чтоб и солнце и море и главное цена на недвижимость была хорошая найти было не легко. Встретившийся с компанией Ландмарк позиция к недвижимости за рубежом изменилась в лучшую сторону. Полная и независимая оценка рынка была мне предоставлена, и для меня лично хотела бы заметить без субъективных мнений, без навязчивости или как это часто бывает давления со стороны агентов. Ландмарк предоставил весь спектр юридических консультаций, обзорные туры, не только по недвижимости, но и по популярным местам Северного Кипра, нужную информацию в сфере соц- быта и многое другое важное для меня. Могу отметить профессионализм команды которая может ответить на любой поставленный вопрос.
Я очень благодарна что покупка недвижимость была именно благодаря Ландмарк. 



05/01/2014 - Jacky & Mike Farrington / UK

We would like to share our experience of using Landmark Estates recently for the sale of our property in North Cyprus.  We found that they dealt with the whole aspect of the sale in a very professional manner and especially found Sandra (the director) to very helpful with the buying and selling process in North Cyprus.  Landmark Estates were able to suggest a very reliable & efficient English solicitor which aided our sale going through smoothly.  Its always an anxious time when trying to buy or sell a property abroad but Sandra and her team certainly reduced some of our anxieties and we would definitely recommend them to anyone who is considering purchasing or selling property here.


29 Oct 2013 - Brian & Jan Godly / UK

We would like to put on record our appreciation to Landmark Estates for their professionalism and efficiency in marketing our property.  Their valuation and pricing we felt was both fair and realistic and we sold without negotiation within ten days of signing with Landmark.
A further minor problem arose shortly after the sale of our property. We sought Landmark's advice although realising they had no obligation to help us, however, we thank both Sandra and Sharron for not only giving advice but telephoning and emailing in helping to resolve our problem for which we are both very grateful.
We would have no hesitation in recommending Landmark Estates.


October 16, 2013 - Nadine and Frank Lohrmann / Germany

"In 2012, we purchased, through Landmark, a villa in Catalköy which had yet to be built. The project was completed in the fall of 2013. From the beginning of our work with Sandra, we were very impressed by the quality of her service. Sandra has a profound knowledge of the property market in Northern Cyprus and the technicalities relating to real estate transactions. Moreover, Sandra and her team were extremely helpful in every regard and provided useful support and advice on numerous questions we had - not only in connection with the actual purchase, but also afterwards. In our view, Landmark's support extends way beyond the normal scope of a real estate agent's services. We definitely recommend Landmark and will certainly call them again should we ever plan another real estate deal in the TRNC.



August 08, 2013 - Mr. Oleg and Svetlana Ozhiganov / RU

If someone ask me about Landmark estates, I firstly emphasize important moments as professionalism of the staff and comfortable communication that I have with them. From the first moment you feel the atmosphere of friendship and attention. Sandra with her charming smile and knowledge lets your dream come true. Feridun and Dmitryi are so professional that they can support you any problems arise. If you refer to Polina and Sharon, you will always get qualified assistance. I appreciate that I can use the language that I feel comfortable with; it gives the chance to focus on choosing the property. Even after purchasing our desired property you are still supported. The agency is always open and assists if you have further questions.


10 August 2013 - Peter und Rita Schwertner / Deutschland

Landmark Estates ist ein absolutes seriöses  und kompetentes Unternehmen. Unserer Meinung die Nr. 1 in Zypern. Die Arbeitsweise ist professionell. Für Kunden aus dem Ausland ist Landmark jederzeit problemlos zu kontaktieren. Informationen die für Kunden wichtig sind werden von Landmark weitergeleitet. Mehrsprachigkeit ist selbstverständlich. Erwähnenswert ist die stets hilfsbereite und freundliche Unterstützung der Mitarbeiter.
The family business Landmark convinced us. Sandra Kilic and her very friendly team are absolutely competent. After we informed them about our wishes and aims according to purchasing a property Ms Kilic made a big effort in selecting the right properties which suited our requests and advised us very open and honestly. What is more important she fully informed us very specifically about the processes with purchasing a property- it is a very important aspect as this comes too short with many other agents. It is not finished after you purchased the property you have to know which taxes you have to pay, which construction rules you have to follow and much more. Also it is important to mention that it is very easy to contact Ms Kilic by telephone and she is always open to answer questions which are logical after you purchase a property.
Rita and Peter Schwertner - Lapis Development




08/05/2013 - Danielle McCarthy/ UK

'It was a pleasure dealing with Landmark Estate Agents.  Sandra and her team were always up front, helpful and responsive to any of our questions.  Most importantly, Landmark went the extra mile to market our property and they were very honest in all matters financial.  We highly recommend their services.'


15/01/2013 - Patricia & Leslie Cunningham / UK

Landmark Estates were recommended to us by friends whose villa they had sold.  We were very impressed b their professional and friendly service in selling our villa. Feridun guided us through the process, from taking us to the Noter, Tax Office & the Courts, in our opinion over and above the usual services of an Estate Agent. Thanks also to Sandra & Sharron for showing clients around the house in our absence and for finding the lovely couple who bought the villa.
These days we hear so many dreadful stories about selling houses, both in Cyprus and in the UK, but Landmark made our experience easy and hassle free and we would recommend them unreservedly.


November 2012 - Steve and Natasha / England

We cannot thank Sandra and her team enough for the help and advice. They gave us when purchasing our home in what can be a potential Minefield of Northern Cyprus. Their attention to detail and of course that personal touch made it a very stress less experience for us. Once again thanks to you all.


July 2012 - Paul Murphy / Ireland

Landmark estate agents offer the best local knowledge and expert advice available in Northern Cyprus. They listened to my needs and found me the perfect property. Feridun and Sandra the husband and wife team who own and run Landmark offer the perfect mix. With Feridun a well respected Turkish Cypriot business man offering expert local knowledge. Sandra the energetic German along with her sales team understand the needs and concerns of Europeans purchasing property in North Cyprus. I would advise anybody looking to invest in Northern Cyprus to do so with Landmark.

July 2012 - John and Irina/ Uk

We have just bought a villa in Karsiyaka via Landmark Estates. Obviously the choice was the property rather than the agents but it would be hard to imagine nicer and more helpful people than Sandra, Feridun and Wendy who have guided us through the buying process and given us enormous help on moving and buying all the things we needed. Feridun even came round and helped us with the gardening.
We cannot recommend them highly enough!


April 2012 - Charles & Robina Baker / Conwy / UK

Dear Sandra,
Robbie and I are now enjoying our second holiday here in our new house at Catalkoy. The time is flying by.
The house is now beautifully finished and we are delighted with the standard of workmanship. The quality of the accesssories and white goods are excellent. We really want to thank you for your endless patience last year when you and Suzanne took the time to show us so many nice properties. I know we can be a difficult couple to please! lease pass our thanks to Suzanne for the regular photo updates showing the progress of work on the house. We really felt that you were looking after our interests when we were back home in the UK. Thank you for putting us in touch with such a good developer. Do come and visit us anytime.
With best regards,


Alexander Kalinin

Я заинтесовался покупкой домика у моря с 2010 года.Перебирая различные варианты, я встретил знакомую , которая решила для себя эту проблему.Остров Кипр "зацепил" сразу.3 поездки и и множество вариантов...
Пока на горизонте совершенно случайно в нужный момент, когда уже опускались руки, не возникла компания  "Landmark ".Самое главное нас поняли и отнеслись ,на удивление нашему российскому менталитету,очень внимательно и бережно.Выбор был с сделан с точность попадания высокоточного ракетного удара. Только вместо руин мы получили уютный и современный дом с шаговой доступностью до моря и прекрасной инфраструктурой вокруг.Плюс целую Дружескую Компанию" Landmark Estate" на этом теплом острове.
Р.S.Особый респект менеджеру Полине.